


Communication with the GraphQL Cloud API server has to be authorized via an access TOKEN. The valid TOKEN has to be inserted into the header of each API call.

User TOKEN is one of two authorization options. It is recommended in most of integration use cases.

OAuth 2.0 is a second option how to create access token. It is much more complex.


Authorization header

Authorization : Bearer $TOKEN

Where $TOKEN is created token in the preview step.

You can test CURL in your terminal window. Replace the word TOKEN in the following example with the generated token.

curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary '{"query":"{cameraList{name}}"}' https://system2.netrex.cz/api/graphql.php




For testing purposes you can use our embedded API explorer, Postman or your own GraphQL client application.

TOKEN handling:

Be careful on TOKEN. Be sure what you do. You can update/delete important data on your account.
Make sure that your application stores TOKEN in secure way. Do not share tokens. Setup your security policy.


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