Communication with the GraphQL Cloud API server has to be authorized via an access TOKEN. The valid TOKEN has to be inserted into the header of each API call. A TOKEN can be created via user interface (section </> API).
User TOKEN is one of two authorization options. It is recommended in most of integration use cases.
OAuth 2.0 is a second option how to create access token. It is much more complex.
Authorization header
Authorization : Bearer $TOKEN
Where $TOKEN is created token in the preview step.
You can test CURL in your terminal window. Replace the word TOKEN in the following example with the generated token.
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary '{"query":"{cameraList{name}}"}'
For testing purposes you can use our embedded API explorer, Postman or your own GraphQL client application.
TOKEN handling:
Be careful on TOKEN. Be sure what you do. You can update/delete important data on your account.
Make sure that your application stores TOKEN in secure way. Do not share tokens. Setup your security policy.