The URL for accessing the live stream can be found by querying the camera type. The platform supports several protocols for video streaming. Protocols vary depending on camera access:
A. Access within the local network
rtsp - Plain unencrypted RTSP
B. Via the public internet
rtsp - Plain unencrypted RTSP
rtsph - Unencrypted RTSP over HTTP
rtsphs - Encrypted RTSP over HTTPS
rtspws - Unencrypted RTSP over WebSocket
rtspwss - RTSP over WebSocket Secure
Security of access to live stream
An API query for a streaming URL generates an RTSP link that is valid for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds or disconnecting the player, it will not be possible to connect the player and the application must request a new RTSP link.
To playback live video from the platform we recommend using our web player(link) available in GitLab repository. The player uses a combination of WebSocket Secure and RTSP and is suitable for playing videos anywhere on the internet.
Example - find available profiles
This example shows how to get a video stream for remote player. Most cameras allow streaming of different profiles (resolution and capture).
Query the streamProfile type to find out the available profiles:
query { camera(node_id:140094){ stream_profiles{ stream_profile_id width height } } }
{ "data": { "camera": { "stream_profiles": [ { "stream_profile_id": 120846, "width": 800, "height": 450 }, { "stream_profile_id": 120850, "width": 1920, "height": 1080 } ] } } }
The next query gets the RTSP and URL for the currently generated RTSP stream.
Example - get RTSP URL
The next query gets the RTSP and URL for the currently generated RTSP stream:
query { camera(node_id:140094){ live_view(stream_profile_id:120850){ remote{ rtsp{ url } } } } }
{ "data": { "camera": { "live_view": { "remote": { "rtsp": { "url": "rtsp://" } } } } } }
If you want to test RTSP stream you can use VLC player - just press CTRL+N and add your streaming URL.
Some cameras support multiple video channels. For example, cameras with multiple optics or virtual views of 180 ° cameras. The channel can be selected by the optional parameter video_channel_node_id in the type live_view (stream_profile_id: 120850, video_channel_node_id: 1000). A list of video channels of each camera is available in camera type.